
sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016


Hi! I'm Sandra and I'm going to talk about the presentations about cooperative learning.


This group was the first to start with the presentation about cooperative learning. They did their presentation like a poster or a guide. I think that this was a good idea to explain the things about cooperative learning becasue I think that it was very clear and a person who don´t know anything about cooperative learning with this guide I think that could understand a lot of things.

They talk about the different techniques and the different groups in which we can divided the children in a class. I remember that they talk a lot about the importance of be respectful with the others. I think that they did a good work, they answered well to the teachers’ questions, and explain the things very good. Also they mentioned that the function of the teacher in this type of works is like a guide and then they talk a lot of too about the importance that have the individual work to achive a common goal in the group.

At the end, they did their activity. The gave us a box to each group with a different country. The gave us some photos about different things in each country, we had to decorate the box, searching for information about the country, drawing, writting etc. Then we had to presentated the country that we had to the other classmates. I think that with this activity we could know more things about different countries and we work with our group to search information and decide what things we put in our box and what things not.


This group I think that made an excellent presentation. They talk about a lot of things about cooperative learning but the thing that I liked more was when they saw us different photos of organization in a class that they took in a school. I think that the idea of make a sheet evaluation was a good point too and was interesting because any group had made yet.

I think that the presentation was very fluent and they know about the things that they were talking about. They introduced that there are some rules that are for the group and other rules that are more individual but they don’t explain it because in the final activity we would to talk about this rules. Other thing that I remember about this group is that they talk about the importance of that all students are winners and there aren’t losers. In a TGT there are different winners and different awards for example: a prize for the child who have resolved more questions, an other prize for the child who have said the most creative answer etc.

To end they did an activity that was very funny. In groups we had a ball and we pass the ball to an other member of our group and the person who had the ball had to say a rule that we have to follow to work in a good way in class. Then a person of each group went to the blackboard and wrote the rules that he or she remembered. Then we said if they were rules group or individual. This activity I think that was interesting because we were playing but at the same time we were learning different rules.


I liked so much the presentation of this group. They did a presentation that was focused on a trip, I mean, they talk about cooperative learning but telling us an history. We are going to go to a trip and we need to bring a suitcase with different things. This things are for example: the different groups that we can make in a class, techniques etc. I like this type of “metaphor” that was related with the name of the group.

I think that their presentation was very clear, with a good power point. They explained vey well the main ideas, they talked about rules, they gave us a definition of cooperative learning etc.

But without any doubt, what I liked most about this group was their activity. The activity was called: the suitcase. We had to take to class something that we keep of a trip and that was important to us. In our group we discussed what we had brought and then chose a person to explain the things that had brought someone else in your group. I think this activity is very good to know more of our classmates and also learn to listen to others when they are telling us what they have brought , why they have brought that, etc.


This group did a presentation with a prezi. I liked the format that they chose. I remember that this group explained an excellent thing that was the importance about the different roles and that is very important that this roles need to be rotating. An other thing that I have learnt is that the teacher is like a guide and he/she try to guide their pupils in each rol.

They explained the difference between 2 differents techniques: TAI and jigsaw. They introduce an other thing that any group talked before: they talked about the importance of having feedback at the end of each work.

At the end they explained their activity. Their activity was like the activity that the team perk did. We had to pass a ball, but in this time in a big circle with all the students. When we had the ball we had to say a thing that we like to do, something in which we are not really good etc. With this activity we participated with all our classmates and in the same time we was knowing more about they.


This group is based on Harry Potter and the style of their power point was related with their name. They make like pages of the newspaper that appears in this film. Although was very original, for me I think that there is a lot of images from the film in each slide and sometimes was a little bit laden. About the theory that they talk I think that they made different tan the others groups because they talk about more things and not only the things that appears in the text.

One thing that I liked is when they talk about the importance of have a face to face interaction for at least part of the work. They talk about new structures like: peer lead team learning, laboratorios and projects etc. However, I think that they wasn’t very prepared because sometimes I couldn’t understand nothing and sometiomes they had to explain in Spanish, so there are things that I haven’t got very clear.

Finally, the did their activity that was in pairs. We had to made an interview, they gave us some questions. When we finished they chose a pair and they had to go to the blackboard and introduce their partner. I think that this was a good activity to know an other person better.


This group I really liked it because they did like a poster with the main ideas and it was all very clear. The theory was more or less the same in all groups but they also introduced new things. They talk about tips for teachers and I liked this so much. There are differents tips like: promoting positive interdependence, help students to develop teamwork skills, talking about group problems etc. 

Then they talk also about the difficulties of the cooperative learning because cooperative learning like all the things, have difficulties too. The other thing that they mentioned was the importance that have to trust other members in the group.

However, what I liked most about this group was the final activity . We were everyone in a circle with our eyes closed, they were going to stick a sticker from one colour to each one. Then we had to find people with our same colour but we couldn’t speak. In this activity we can see the difference between cooperative and competitive, I mean, there were people who didn’t help others because they only wanted find to their group, however there are other people that worked in a cooperative way because they tried to find their group but at the same time they helped others.


This was the last group but certainly not the least important. I loved this presentation because they were very original. They presented the theory trough of videos. They were recorded explaining the different groups that can be done in class, different techniques etc. I think this is something very visual and very entertaining and I think that when we teach children this can be a good idea because they will always cater more to a video than a lecture, so congratulations.

Finally, they made their activity was like a little test. We were put in groups that made bringing a paper with a number that could be 1,2,3, we joined our group. We had to write down what we had learned of cooperative learning things and then we had put ideas with everyone in our group. This activity was a little boring but it was fine for did a review

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